Pink Hues

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Top: New York & Company (similar here) | Skirt (similar here) | Shoes: Steve Madden | Handbag: Tommy Hilfiger (similar here) (under $150…

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Pool Day

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Tunic (similar here) | Handbag: Target (similar here) | Hat: Forever21 | Shoes (similar here) | Sunglasses: ABS (similar here) | Necklace:…

At The Park

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Dress: Mint Julep c/o| Jacket: Gap | Sandals (similar here) | Handbag (similar here) | Sunglasses: ABS ( similar here) | Doggies: Pomeranian …

Beige Wrap dress

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Vest (worn as a dress)  H&M | Sandals: Steve Madden | Handbag (similar here) | Sunglasses: Versace … Today’s beige dress is…

Over the Weekend

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Shirt: Tommy Hilfiger | Jeans (similar here) | Shoes: BCBG (similar here) | Handbag: Calvin Klein (similar here) | Sunglasses: ABS (similar…

Lace A-Line Skirt

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Top: Forever 21 (similar here) | Skirt (similar here) | Shoes: Windsor (similar here) | Handbag: Tommy Hilfiger (similar here) | Sunglasses:…

Alice In Wonderland Kohls Collection

[wr_row][wr_column span=”span12″][wr_text el_title=””] Dress: Kohls | Shoes: Steve Madden | Handbag: BCBG (similar here) | Sunglasses: Versace …As you can probably tell I am into…